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If you’d like to volunteer for the 2024 Brattleboro Literary Festival, or find out other ways you can get involved, e-mail us at

Festival Organization

Board of Directors: President: Bob Parks, Secretary: Jenny Altshuler, Treasurer: Rob Szpila, Elizabeth Catlin,  Charles Coe, Melinda Lvovsky, Sandy Rouse, Yoojin Grace Wurtz

Festival Director: Sandy Rouse

Author Committee: Shari AltmanJenny Altshuler, Tom Bedell, Steve Budd, Jerry Carbone, Elizabeth Catlin, Robbie Gamble, Stephanie Greene, Starr Latronica, Tim Mayo, Eileen Parks, Sandy Rouse, Tim Weed.

Author hospitality: Tom Bedell, Leah Goodman, Eileen Parks, Maia Segura, Jerry Carbone

Development:  Steve Budd, Sandy Rouse, Elizabeth Catlin, Rob Szpila, Jenny Altshuler, 

Festival Production: Jerry Carbone, Jessica Callahan Gelter, Stephanie Greene, Sandy Rouse, Matthew Wojcik

Publicity and Program: Shari Altman, Jenny Altshuler, Jerry Carbone, Sandy Rouse

Words Project: Jerry Carbone, Don McLean, Sandy Rouse.

Write Action Coordinator: Arlene Distler

Mailing Address

Brattleboro Literary Festival
P.O. Box 1116 Brattleboro, VT, 05302-1116

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